Tuesday, January 01, 2013

HAPPY 2013: I'm STILL Walking the Journey....

I like the quote "HARD - is just a story you've convinced yourself to believe."

I like to hide behind the "story" it's been a "HARD year....", "HARD week..." etc.  With this - it says I've been struggling - please don't ask me to explain or be authentic with you.

I like to hide behind the "story" it's "HARD to lose weight".... or it's "HARD to maintain" .... or it's "HARD to exercise".  These stories say - I've got a great excuse to be obese, be obese or fat (again), or just plain couch potato lazy!

But really the quote is right.  
I've convinced myself that things are HARD (or nearly impossible) when the truth is - the ONLY reason that are hard is because I've declared it so.  I am ripping away the truth and promise "that I CAN DO all things....THRU CHRIST - who strengthens me ".

HARD - is a LIE...and a cop-out.  
And....even though I've run up and against a TON of challenges this past year - thru truth is - I've come thru it! (with my sweet Savior's help....shoulder.... and strong arms pulling me along!)

it's gonna be the best one yet!!