Monday, July 17, 2006

Journal: Nearly 3mos. Post Op....

It's been WAY too long since I last blogged....
I've been here and there...we are soooo busy with our move I can hardly believe it!!
The best part of it all is it keeps my mind off of what is actually happening with my weightloss...I just take it "day to day" - as I am forced to take everything else.
As of today I'm 65# down...and am feeling sooo great. I am amazed at the speed in which my weight is coming off...but, soooo thankful. I'm sooo glad I had this surgery! This picture is a comparison....Left is my "last supper" pic...and the other was taken about a month ago at my cousin's wedding. I had lost about 50# there. I haven't had another recent face shot...but, I suppose since my 3month anniversary is this week I'll be taking some more pictures....

I'll try not to be sooo lame in posting in the upcoming days and months...

1 comment:

Pat said...

Oh my goodness - your picture on the right takes me back to when I first met you! This is happening so quickly. I'm amazed at all that you've done through this process. I'm so proud of you.