Sunday, January 01, 2012

GLORIOUS 2012: Many changes this year....

One of the BIGGEST changes is our state! July of 2011 the Coates Family boxed up our 850 sq ft. Brooklyn apartment and moved back to BIG TEXAS...this time not Dallas...but back to my home town of San Antonio.  (My husband keeps reminding me it is the 7th largest city in the United States...kind of hard to believe!)

All in all...we've been immensely blessed.  My husband is extremely happy and has a fabulous job.  My daughter is going to an amazing private classical school -- 180* turn from NYC public schools.  And we're all closer to my family.  

I personally miss NYC....I miss every part of the city living....I miss my friends... and I MISS WALKING....
Can't believe I'm even saying that....but I loved the built in exercise....

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