Wednesday, September 27, 2006

JOURNAL: September 27th "Walking..."

Today was interesting.....
I'm selling all sorts of "things" on eBay and now that we are here in NYC...and you can't just jump in the car and take a quick trip to the have to "HOOF IT!"

The other thing that isn't when you have the amount of things that had to be mailed-whew! Anyway, I got my 'super duper' shopping cart....(everytime I look get this thing out I think of one of my best friends - "Dr. Jill"- and the first time she took me to "First Monday" in Canton, TX!! ohhhh, do I miss ya Jill...)

So... I got my "Dr. Jill super duper cart" & loaded it up with all the supplies to wrap up the dishes I sold.... bubble wrap... boxes... dishes... and air mattress we borrowed.... some care package for a buddy.... etc... and off to the Post office we went. WOW, I looked like a bag lady with things spilling out of the top and a HUGE box balanced precariously on the top!! At least we only had to walk a mere 12 blocks. (each way...) Thankfully we were going , for the most part, across the we didn't have to walk the up hill juant much! I let 'Bella "skip and run" (as she says...) beside me...and off we went! As I was walking...I noticed a difference in how I was pain, discomfort, I wasn't winded....I was AMAZED! Walking home we looked sooo helarious...Look at 'Bella!!

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