Friday, November 24, 2006

JOURNAL: November 24th - "7 mos. PostOp"

(click on the pictures for larger view)'s hard to believe sometimes that it's been 7mos.....and then again, that time is so short, for the amount of weight I've lost. My new total is 111#'s....I'm loosing at a considerably slower rate now...which is good/bad.
Good, b/c I'm loosing at a normal rate....BAD, b/c I'm used to the pounds just dropping off...and now I have to work for it...and be patient for the results.

I'm glad it was fast at first b/c I just KNOW me....if it wouldn't have worked this way - I would've given up like so many other times I tried to loose weight! It never was successful. This has been a transition...I'm not gonna say "hard" - b/c that is a story to make this choice a little more dramatic. It is what it is...and I'm glad for my choice to have weight loss surgery.

Boy, do I feel amazing! Now if the last 72#'s could come off easy... but, something tells me it won't be that easy... I'm gonna have to work at it - the mere "mortal way!" LOL.


Pat said...

Amazing progress Deb! Can't wait to hug you when you visit in December!

Jaden's Mom said...

Hey there...You don't know me, but I am a friend of Pat's.

I had WLS about two and a half years ago. It's such a strange journey, isn't it? Two and a half years and a few pounds later, I am still trying to adjust to this new body, and the new way of life that came with it. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, but I have to say...I was not at all prepared for the mind trip that came with finding my new identity as something other than "the funny fat girl". I'm still not accustomed to even the physical size of my body now. I still find myself thinking I need to adjust my activities to compensate for a much larger body. I have to consciously remind myself that I am not that big anymore. It's a good thing to have to remind yourself of, I suppose, but it's weird that I even have to do that. I do remember being told that it can take two or three years for your mind to catch up with your body, so I guess this is normal. It's just a struggle that most people do not understand.

Anyway, you look fantastic. :) Congratulations on your progress so far, and enjoy your journey back to you.