Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Meeting "TWEETY"....

One thing I love about my support it seems where ever I am...I am meeting someone new from our support group!

Tweety - Teri, is from Traverse City, MI....very close to my husband's when we went to Michigan for Christmas...I set up an opportunity to meet Tweety!!
This is what I wrote on my collage:
"Look who I met in Michigan! What a highlight of our trip to meet Miss Tweety! She is a JOY!!! It was great hearing the details of her journey...and really getting the "nitty gritty"... we often can miss that - when all we do is posting!"
"If you can meet "Face to Face" with others from the boards...I'd say, "just do it!!"
Tweety is down 154#'s....Deb down 120#'s!"

1 comment:

Pat said...

Glad you got to meet Teri! Small world. :)