Friday, January 05, 2007

To Diet or Not To Diet....

Happy New Year....why do we say, "Happy New Year"....there are soooo many things that are about to happen - such as the Resolutions that all include -"giving up something!?"
What's sooo HAPPY about that?? I am faced with the same ol' question..."Am I gonna go on a diet?" "Am I going to start a new exercise regime??"
I thought once I had my Weight-loss surgery...that I'd never have to go thru this yearly ritual...but I find myself back again.
Even though I lost 4#'s over Christmas (which is unheard of!)....I still know what "REALLY HAPPENED!" I know WHAT I ate...WHEN I ate...and HOW I ate! I loved those Lindors Truffles....and, "OH! how I loved them!!"~
So....even though, my body surrendered to my TOOL - my new small stomach pouch - I know that I treated my body badly...and now am retaining massive amounts of water. SO...back to the Question at hand....
"To Diet....or Not To Diet....?????"
ahhhh.....I'm even considering joining CURVES again....
BASICALLY...if I want to get the weight off now...I'm going to have to "crack down"...and work for it...if not...there could be a StandOff!

1 comment:

Pat said...

My dear, you are an inspiration. I so admire your openness in this process, your sharing of your pictures and your heart. I'm so, so happy for you!