Sunday, November 11, 2007

JOURNAL: Put Away Childish Things

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." ~1 Corinthians 13: 11


WHAT exactly does this mean.... ??

WHAT was Paul talking about.... ??

He couldn't be talking about toys, dolls, games - I'm sure he's talking about anger...cruelty...judgement...jealousy...spite - all the childish emotions that we lose ourselves to...that we REACT to - those emotions that hurt ourselves and hurt others. All of which gains nothing - and loses a lot.

But it seems many 'People of Today' like the drama...thrive off of it...they thrive off of being rude....'shooting from the hip' w/o thinking of others feelings. Maybe it's those sad country songs...all the 'reality TV....fighting and bity-ness....and even just the plain ol' 5 o'clock news! Do we turn away from it all - give it up - shrug it off ??

According to Dr. Christine Northrup (author of: The Wisdom of Menopause)
Three things that make you feel better than drugs or alcohol or sugar:
  • exercise
  • meditation
  • sex

But suppose one really likes those sad country songs, or enjoys rooting against a disliked football team, watches a negative TV show, and so on? Must we give it up? To my mind, to judge these things and so attempt to purge them from our interests is to miss the point entirely. Judging ourselves or others for something we now call childish, is simply substituting one childish emotion for another. In addition, these interests of ours are a big part of what we are, and that is not something we are trying to avoid; in fact, it is just the kind of thing we are trying to see, to penetrate.
Much better to begin to apply our understanding of system ideas to our life, our interests. The point is, there are reasons for putting away childish things, and when we understand these reasons, both theoretically and personally, practically nothing will be able to stop us from putting away those things that are delaying our evolution, interfering with our deepest intents.
Only apparent change comes from without—whether that "without" is society, or our false personality. Real change comes from within.

"Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men." ~1 Corinthians 14: 20

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