Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Last Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.....

WOW!!! What a day....I woke up late to my friend Alicia calling to cancel our lunch plans! (Her little boy was sick....) BUMMER!! Anyway...I was determined that was NOT going to hold me back - My lunch date would be my "Baby Love"... and we were going to my favorite Thai food restaurant called Mango's to get my fav: "Citrus Beef" - YUM!!~ And fried Mango Ice Cream with raspberry sauce. I knew that 'Bella would eat the rice and veggies and hopefully some beef....but the ice cream would be an exciting treat for her...and I was going to make the best of it! She and I had a fun time...and then did some errands before going to pick up our babysitter, Amy. We had big plans with our best friends - Beka, Ken & Viv!
That was sooo fun and exciting b/c we went to the Cheesecake Factory! Oh my...I love that food, I thought I' d have my last 'comfort food' for a while...and of course - CHEESECAKE!!! I had to put this picture in of Russ and I ....wow, I think this is the first time I was glad to see how fat I look! Great starting place...
I ordered the Factory Meatloaf... and oooooh, was it GOOOOD!! What do you think? OH, btw...I didn't eat the whole thing...just about 1 and 1/2 of the meatloaf...3/4 of the mashed potatoes...and a bite or two of the corn. (Russ ate the rest for lunch the next day!) I didn't photograph the cheesecake....I had a light Tuxedo Cheesecake. Ooooooh, it was soooo smooth and yummy - I'm glad THAT was the last huge meal...So Fun!
To the left is my Beka-Boo friend...my best girl! Wow, we have been thru sooo much together. I'm loving her... She is sooo sooo supportive of my surgery! I'm excited that it is only one week away...it is amazing that it is nearly here. To the right is my sweetest latin cookie.... she is such a love...I feel like we are sisters!! What a fun night and celebration this was... the last big meal... as I'm sure many feel... I think I over did it a bit, but WOW, was it DELISH!!
NOW....onto the liquid diet....I'm hoping I'll make it...and it won't be too difficult!

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