Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Journal: 2 mos. Post Op

It's hard to see the difference for me....even though I'm 52# lighter. I do know that being 266#'s is an amazing accomplishment b/c every time I've done WW or Curves....I have had trouble getting out of the 270's!!
So, even though it's hard to see it...and celebrate the way I look....I will celebrate just being out of the 270's....this is a huge accomplishment.
I'm also very excited that I'm 50# lighter at my cousin's wedding...that is what I've been hoping for...and know that I'll feel soooo much better...and find something to wear. LOL.
I'll post a head shot from the wedding when I get them.

The "orange" picture is my 4 weeks post-op pictures. (hard to tell that I've lost anything...although, I did lose 35# in the first month...and out of "THREEDOM"!)
The "green" are my 8 week post op pictures. Taken while we are traveling this summer. We are in the beautiful town of Grey....staying at our dear friends, Bod & Karen's home. (LOVE THEM!!) This photo is taken out in front of their, is it beautiful here!!

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