Sunday, June 24, 2007

JOURNEY BACK 2 HEALTH & A Journey Back to Me....

Two years ago I weighed 333 pounds...and finally found myself at the breaking point. There were many factors that led up to my "breaking point" ... but one was when I was going for my annual physical and my doctor confronted me about my weight. He said if something didn’t change about my weight that my future would be grim...and he’d give me five years to start getting some major co-morbidities. This was shocking.

Being nearly 200 lbs overweight & classified "Super Morbidly Obese" - as well as being the mother of a 2 year old (at the time) - got me to looking at not only what my weight was doing to ME...but to my husband and daughter as well.
Because of the severity of my obesity, my health needs, & my past diet failures - I decided that weight loss surgery was the best choice for my life - and my future. In making this decision I felt "free" - but also a deeper sense of responsiblity than I ever have before.

The next months were filled with preparations for my surgery...but I also spent a significant amount of time looking deeper into health and wellness. I figure if I was going to be putting a smaller amounts of food in my body - I would need to understand more about food than ‘fat free" or "diet"...and make sure I understood what and why certain food were better choices than others. Thru this research I found that a regimen of whole foods, nutritional supplements, fasting and functional exercise would be the best choice for my new lifestyle.

I was introduced to USANA by my sister Kathy... and I’m sooo thankful. Not only for my cellular health...but also the business opportunity. My husband and I live in NYC...and he is a student, while I am freelance designer...when I heard about the simple structure & the tax advantages - we knew that we had to get into the business. USANA is a company that cares about people, and the structure of our business has brought our entire family together - working our businesses together- what FUN!

I still have about 40 pounds left to lose until I reach my goal. And because I am 16mos. post op from my surgery... the weight loss is 80% my behavior & 20% the surgery. I have to eat right and exercise to get these last 40 lbs off.

The weight loss success formula I am using- starts with
RESET Pack (inside there are instructions that will explain the whole plan).... and then maintains with an order of one bottle of Essential Vitamins (a must!), two boxes of bars and six cans of Nutrimeals. This is about a months supply and everything has a thirty day money back guarantee.... so, try it risk free! This is not like any other "shake diet" I have ever tried. This program has kept me full, energized, and will help you accomplish your weight loss goals too!

I’m excited to share with you USANA Health Sciences they formulate an exceptional, science-based nutritional and personal-care products. However, inferior manufacturing can destroy even the greatest product formulations. For this reason, USANA manufactures its own nutritional supplements, and voluntarily meets Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Pharmaceutical GMP standards are far more stringent than the food GMP requirements set by the U.S. government for supplements. Because of this high quality standard- I have found USANA the best choice in nutritional supplements. Especially, for me, being a weight-loss surgery patient who needs the highest quality of nutritional supplements in my everyday maintainence plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I pretty much understand what's being said here. But has anyone tried homeopathic HGH oral sprays? I understand most of the athletes are purchasing it, legally, online, at I know the pills are bogus because they don't contain any HGH. But what about the homeopathic sprays?