Thursday, September 08, 2005

FORK in the Road...

When you come to a fork in the road…take it!!! This is one ‘fork’ I’ll accept, one that will make a difference ….one that chooses- LIFE! ~ (I’ll leave the other fork here…)
Today was my day to meet with Dr. Wade Barker…the bariatric surgeon who I was planning on doing my Lap Band surgery. I went in for my consultation a little nervous…thank goodness, my sweetie was with me. As I filled out all the paperwork I realized how many side effects I have…and I had no idea that they were ‘weight related.’ I have head aches in the morning…snoring, my swollen ankles, (which have a technical term, called - Edema .) back aches, sore feet….really, soooo much more than I even care to go into in this blog! It’s exhausting just thinking about it…all this time I thought that my weight wasn’t really an issue b/c I didn’t have high blood pressure, high cholesterol…or diabetes ~ when, that is not the case at all.
After talking with Dr. Barker…(and explaining our situation- as well as what our next year will look like with moving for my husband to go Optometry School. And not knowing what our insurance coverage will look like…) he began asking me why I was not interested in the Gastric Bypass surgery. First, I was VERY interested…but didn’t think my husband would go for it b/c of all the ‘hype and risk’. He then said he’d like to educate us on why the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery would be a better choice than the Lap Band. I had no idea all the percentages of weight loss…and with the high amount of weight I need to loose to be in a healthy weight range….Lap Band wouldn’t be as successful as Gastric bypass. After talking with him – he was excellent – he took his time with us…explaining sooo much in detail and answering every question –because of this, my husband & I are very comfortable with him as a doctor and surgeon & this is the direction I am going. I am VERY disappointed I am not able to have the surgery in the next couple of months….b/c my insurance makes us wait an allotted 6 months with diet and supervision…and then will approve it. This was heart wrenching….after deliberating this for nearly 2 years…I’m ready. But, I will look at the positive aspects…there is much for me to learn and consider in the next 6 months…this is a life altering decision, one not to be considered lightly.

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